Students for Social Justice » Students for Social Justice

Students for Social Justice

Mission Statement
The Students for Social Justice Club is a safe space where students of all backgrounds and ethnicities can discuss and address the injustices that are happening around the world and in our own community. Our goal for this club is to help promote fairness and equality in St. Edmund Preparatory High School. This club is a place where everyone’s voice can be heard no matter what race, ethnicity, creed, etc. they belong to. We will work to raise awareness about injustice and racism but also encourage activism to inspire members of the St. Edmund Prep family to not only make a difference in our own community, but work toward making our society better as a whole. Our mission is to learn from personal experiences and use those experiences to guide our vision in enacting change for the future.
Rules for a Safe Space
  1. Remember to show the utmost respect for your peers.
  2. Try not to interrupt another student as they are speaking and listen to what is being said.
  3. Share lessons and experiences, not gossip.
  4. Honor confidentiality. This is a safe place for honest conversation. 
Recognize that others thoughts and opinions matter, even if you don’t agree
Educate don’t hate
Safe place to reveal personal beliefs without being judged
Patience is important, take time when talking with others
Express yourself however you deem necessary
Communication is key, feel free to say whatever you want to say
Take time to understand other perspectives, and where they are coming from.
Google Classroom Code: sipx55a