2019 Senior Class Gift Leaves Lasting Impression

The new signage adds to our existing signage in the lobby and library. It will be used to communicate with students, advertise upcoming events and programs, and will serve a vital presentation tool in one of the most heavily used gathering spaces at the Prep.
The senior class gift was re-introduced to St. Edmund Prep in 2010. Each senior was asked to donate $20.19 (honoring their class year) toward a senior gift which was chosen by a committee of seniors in consultation with the Development Office.The senior class gift program helps to develop a culture of giving among our senior students and in doing so helps them to recognize that their contributions really do make a significant impact on student life, no matter how small their gift may seem.
In recognition of their generosity, we celebrate the 100 Nights to graduation with a dinner in honor of the Seniors, where faculty and staff serve as waiters and waitresses. It has quickly become one of the high points of Senior year!
Thank you Class of 2019 for your generosity and for leaving a last impression on our school!