Holy Week Mass Celebrated

The mass was celebrated by our Chaplain Fr. Michael Gribbon. In his homily, he reflected on the role of sacrifice in the events of Holy Week, focusing on the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday.
"We know the story of Jesus at the Last Supper, washing the feet of his disciples. Jesus gets on his hands and knees, puts a towel around his waist, and washes the dusty dirty feet of his disciples. This is a real show of humility and of sacrificial love. This kind of love pours itself out, a love that gives to the other, a love that makes one humble enough to get down and wash another's feet. This is the model of love that we celebrate during this holy week. That is the image of Jesus that we must keep in our minds and hearts as we contemplate what Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are all about. 
We all have experienced this kind of sacrificial love in our lives. You can all probably tell stories in your lives where you have suffered for another person because you love them, because they are important to  you. You've done it at home, you do it here at school, you have so generously done it in our charitable works here at the Prep. This week is about recognizing what Jesus did on the Cross for us and seeking to imitate that in our own lives. How do I carry that cross each day? How do I lay down my life for those around me to show my love?"
If we live lives of service, lives of pouring our hearts out for one another, in taking our gifts and putting them at the service of one another, we too will be rewarded. God will grant us peace, happiness, and ultimately, eternal life. That is the message of Easter."
In the coming days, may we all be reminded of the great love that God shows us each day and of that love made manifest on the hill of Calvary. We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.