Athletic Hall of Fame
Class of 2023
Diane Buono-Haslacher ’02 - Volleyball and Basketball
Joseph Burke ’01 - Basketball and Baseball
Jalilissa Marcus '13 - Track and Field
Anthony Oglesby '98 - Basketball
2003 Boys Basketball Team - CHSAA City Champions
Daniel Wiatre - Coach and Administrator
The Louison Family - Andy '03, Jeremy '08, David '11, Sarah '12
Guy DeFonzo - St. Thomas Aquinas Sports Association
Class of 2019
Danielle Johnson ’00 - Swimming, Cheerleading, and Softball
Joseph Romano ’04 - Baseball and Basketball
1979 Girls Cheerleading Team
1999 Boys Basketball Team
Class of 2016
Chris Kelly '70 - Basketball
Victoria LaCerra Trancho '99 - Cheerleading
Matthew Vitale '02 - Basketball
Cathy Viverito '78 - Basketball, Softball
Louis Welsh '99 - Baseball, Basketball
2006-2007 Boys Hockey Team
Class of 2014
Maryanne Marshall ‘89 - Basketball, Volleyball, Softball
Robert Wiatre ‘00 - Basketball
Jeanne Sullivan Toomey ‘78 - Coach
Christopher Wright - Athletic Director, Coach
Sister Denise McCarthy, OP - Faculty
1978 Girls Varsity Basketball Team
1997 Boys Varsity Baseball Team
Inaugural Class
Daniel Borgia '98 - Hockey, Baseball
Margaret Gaffney Boyle '73 - Basketball
Danielle Esposito Graziano '90 - Softball
Michael Irwin '99 - Basketball
Debra O'Brien Letts - Basketball
Kathleen Murphy Maguire '89 - Volleyball, Basketball
Kathleen Vulpis - Athletic Director, Coach
1987 Girls Varsity Volleyball Team