Academics » Sequential STEAM Program

Sequential STEAM Program

The Marilyn DeRosa Mauriello '70 STEAM program provides hands-on learning with real-world applications in science, technology, engineering, art, and math courses. Students will develop a variety of 21st century skills including media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills, communication, flexibility and initiative thinking. This options-based sequential program will provide students with the opportunity to problem solve, think critically, develop their creativity and curiosity, and make decisions. These qualities will foster leadership, entrepreneurship, and acceptance of failure in our students, preparing them to become the innovators and inventors of tomorrow.

Students committed to the Sequential STEAM program may be taking an additional course or courses over the course of their time at SEP. Rising 10th grade students are eligible to enter into the Sequential STEAM program. Rising 11th and 12th grade students are eligible to take individual STEAM courses

How does a rising 10th grade student enter into the Sequential STEAM Program?

  1. Student chooses one of the STEAM subject areas they are most interested in.
  2. Student requests the grade level appropriate class with teacher approval during course selection.
  3. Students should notify their guidance counselor during their scheduling meeting that they are interested in entering the Sequential STEAM program.
    1. If there is no 10th grade elective offering students must still notify their counselor that they are interested in a STEAM elective for the 11th grade.
Once a student’s teacher, guidance counselor, and parent agree that the student will be entering into the Sequential STEAM program, students will receive a welcome letter and invitation to an orientation meeting.

Course Requirements


10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

Science Chemistry or Physics Physics or IB Physics I or
AP Biology or IB Biology I
AP Biology or IB Biology I or IB Biology II or IB Physics I or IB Physics II
Technology Internet Technology Programming Principles AP Computer Science A
  Physics and Engineering I Engineering II
Art Studio Art II Any visual art elective and  
Advanced Techniques in Art
IB Visual Art (SL) or two (2) visual art elective courses
Math Geometry or Algebra 2
Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus
or IB Math
Pre-Calculus or
AP Calculus or IB Math
Capstone     Required for all seniors in the Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math areas in addition to the required 12th grade subject course.