1:1 Chromebook Program
Over the last several years, schools throughout the country and around the world have been engaged in discussions about the impact of pervasive technology on education in general, as well as the specific effect 1:1 technology could have on teaching and learning. After intensive study, St. Edmund Prep has adopted Chromebooks as a part of our educational technology environment.
A Chromebook is a personal computer running the Google Chrome OS as its operating system. It is designed to be used while connected to the Internet and to support applications that reside on the Web. Chromebooks also have Google products built-in and, within seconds of logging in, a student will be able to access his or her SEP Google account.
The overarching goals of the 1:1 Chromebook program are to support a learning environment that takes advantage of the latest developments in technology and resource sharing, while also advancing the critical thinking, innovation, research, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills essential for 21st century learners. Furthermore, our students are growing up in a world where content is delivered digitally and interactions with others occur online as often as (or more) in person. St. Edmund Prep seeks to develop in our students good and responsible habits around the use of technology in a school context.