St. Edmund Prep Celebrates All Saints Day

In his homily Fr. Michael Gribbon presented two of our Church's newest saints, St. Oscar Romero and St. Nuncio Sulprizio as examples to consider as we all strive for holiness in our own lives.
"The circumstances of the lives of both St. Oscar Romero and St. Nuncio; the hard labor of St. Nuncio, the political stress that St. Oscar Romero felt, it was there that they responded with holiness. I don't necessarily want you to be exactly like them, but learn from them, be inspired by them and find the holiness that is unique to you. It will be the place where your gifts will come to your circumstances and situations and where the goodness of your heart, the strength of your belief, your faith, and your courage will respond. Today we look back with gratitude on the lives of the Saints and look forward to our own holiness, asking that on our journey we use our gifts to do the best we can in our own difficult circumstances, knowing that in doing so we do the will of The Father."
St. Edmund, Pray for Us. All you Holy Men and Women, Pray for Us.