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IB Diploma Programme - Education for a Better World
Added Mar 19, 2016
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Lego Movie that International Baccalaureate means to me my studies my indication adversely thing is a program that's going to be part of me best for University and eventually a successful future Humanities maybe the Arts dentist office in La Quinta emphasizes the student As an interpreter rather than as a recipient and what it allows us to do is professionals working in this area is actually a students become International citizens really through an academic program is joyable part of the international Baccalaureate for me I think it's just the Talon average Frontera is it on Friday the 17th different elements like they theory of knowledge the creative action in the service and the extended essay is actually help the students of the University level 5 being creative in different formats and different skills to different subjects if you want to Candy in any of the international Baccalaureate subjects research if it gives us an opportunity to write on a topic that's he wants so he's interested in this extended many cc's it's a doctorate but living obese children technology is a course based around the question how do we know the time to make you a critical thinker so you don't nextstep fax or things to say the way the percentage you think about it more maliciousness in part a special diploma personal responses require students to unpackage things not for me is why theory of knowledge is is at the center is it constant questioning of on the syllabus found a note in all subject areas for Mika TV action services the program which is which is meant to prepare your Morris University nachos putting in being quite selfish and yourself sportsmanship on teamwork and service I think is one of the most important things made me grow up in ways I couldn't imagine the from just from Stables riding ponies Earth from coming to school and playing soccer every Saturday it really has made me a better person the society get in touch with those who needed those those who are honest privileged privileged does us put on the men look ahead and process giving to the community and not you're doing it for your own benefit Indian drama Tere Santiago de Compostela I mean this is what school is about it's about learning to be with different people from different cultures and I think the ivy really shows you that this is what you should be doing as a child that leads to me to be disciplined but it's also told me about myself and how I can accomplish everything that I think I would like to do enjoy it because it's rigorous and I know I'm going to get aducation but at the same time made it loud like especially the creativity action and service program for you to have a learning outside the classroom really encourages you to become a rounded person fun just working your way through it many University students they find it they find skills they find leadership they find confident students so they'd like these students to come and join them change to be in this program and that at the end of these two years I'm going to have something else going to open so many doors I'm going to have a lot of opportunities Mona we expect us to travel everywhere in the world and when that she stopped working professionally and I think that the ivy is preparing them for the future that going to have
IB Programme
IB Learner Profile
IB Diploma Requirements
The IB Experience
IB Curriculum